What is ChariTea 3.0?
ChariTea 3.0 is Noodle Shack annual charity campaign normally held from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day. While this year campaign is delayed for the obvious reason, it’s better late than never… This year we are trying to introduce Pertubuhan Kebajikan Amal Charis Mantin to our fellow customers, in hope to raise some awareness and operation fund for them.

Who is Pertubuhan Kebajikan Amal Charis Mantin?
Charis was established in 1998, relocated from Ulu Langat to Mantin in 2013 as in-charge person Mr Siah and Ms Esther told us. They are taking care of 26 senior citizens with a capacity of 28.
As a non-profit organization, they are relying on donation for daily expenses. Being in Mantin might not make them as well known as those senior homes in KL/PJ, we could only imagine the number of volunteer workers and donations are also relatively lower during MCO, RMCO & CMCO.
For more info, feel free to visit Charis Official FB Page
How do I chip in?
Simple really. Just drop by Noodle Shack outlets and purchase our adorable children paintings for RM10. We will be providing you with a QR code for direct payment to Pertubuhan Kebajikan Amal Charis Mantin. Of course, you are more than welcome to contribute more than RM10 as you feel comfortable. As a token of appreciation, you’ll also receive a tea voucher for a free pot of Premium Chinese Tea on your next visit.

Remember to WhatsApp your payment receipt to Charis for a donation receipt, your donation is tax-deductible. Ms Esther: 010-3662952
If you can't make time to drop by Noodle Shack outlets, just visit our website to do an online "purchase", we'll mail your painting selection to you and forward your payment to Charis. The only drawback is Noodle Shack can't give you a donation receipt, but we will absorb all shipping fee and S.S.T for the online transaction.
Where did all these children paintings come from?
They are the hard work of our last year beneficiary, House of Joy, an orphanage taking care of over 100 children in Puchong. Make sure to check out their FB & Website to support their activities & events. Feel free to involve them in your company CSR project, you'll be delighted by their energy and love. Contact Ms Lesley 019-3392847